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​Second session

photo contest

​HOME > Photo Contest > 2nd Entry

Thank you very much to everyone who applied for the 2nd Photo Contest (application period: July 1st to August 31st, 2016) and to everyone who participated in the voting. The clinic was brightened up with so many wonderful photos!

On this page, we are posting photos of the second application. Please take a look! !

→Click here for the 2nd voting results

→ Click here for entries other than the 2nd round

→ Return to Photo Contest Top Page

Atom Animal Hospital

  Animal Respiratory Center


Fax  03-3935-8429

Click here for inquiries by email


consultationTime 《Non-consultation days》Holidays, Saturdays


MAP   Tokumaru, Itabashi Ward, Tokyo1-5-15

《Non-consultation days》 Saturdays and public holidays


*Inquiries for those who live far away

​​* Frequently Asked Questions

© 2017Atom Animal Hospital.

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