About new coronavirus measures
Infection control
About measures against the new coronavirus at our clinic...
at our hospitalMeasures to prevent infection with the new coronavirusRegarding
For the time being, we will implement the following infection control measures.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we will do our best to end the spread of infection as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
*The consultation time will be shortened for the time being.
Both weekdays and Sundays
18:00 end
(Last entry is 30 minutes before closing)
"We will be closed on Saturdays."
*For infection prevention, be sure towearing a mask,Disinfection of fingers, temperature measurementofI'm begging you.
(Please wear a non-fiber mask as much as possible.)
Since we always have disinfectants at the hospital reception,Please feel free to use it.
*We will take your temperature at the reception.
Fever and cold symptomswho has, or if someone in your family has symptoms
"Please refrain from coming to the hospital."
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for your cooperation.
If you have any other questions, please ask our staff.
All the staff at Atom Animal Hospital